Krumpf – Aktenlogistik specializes in storing and managing files, data carriers or other space-consuming documents of companies securely, cost-effectively and reliably.

Surely you are aware of how much you have to pay for one square meter of office space. And you know the legal requirements that require you to keep your business records for at least a ten-year period.

Office space is far too expensive for this purpose. But where to put all the files?

We offer you the optimal solution: archiving space in the required volume and electronic management of files, so that you have quick access to required documents at any time.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Cost-effective, proper and professional archiving and management of your records.
  • More sensible use of your expensive office space.
  • More office space for your employees.
  • Reduction of your space and personnel costs.
  • Maximum security thanks to a state-of-the-art security system with contact and lock monitors as well as infrared and ultrasonic motion detectors.
  • Monitored destruction of documents and data no longer required.
  • Electronic acquisition and control of all inputs and outputs.
  • Resubmission of archived documents within a maximum of two hours.
  • Fast and cheap courier service at any time.